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CREAT3D Case Study
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"We will never go back to operations without Additive. We are just going to use it more and more, identifying more parts and applications that can be 3D printed. Tooling is a key area which will just keep expanding.  We like to ask ourselves “Where can we use our 3D printers where we are not currently using them?”"


Kamil Domski, Production Engineer, LISI Aerospace Ltd



LISI Aerospace, headquartered in France, is in the top 100 companies in the global aerospace value chain and specialises in the design and manufacture of high-tech metal components to enhance aircraft safety and performance. LISI Aerospace is a recognised player in metal components for aircraft engines and airframes, and the parts produced by LISI feature in the majority of the world’s aircraft and at every stage in their life cycles, serving more than 300 customers in 30 countries.


LISI Aerospace’s manufacturing plant at Rugby, UK, specialises in the manufacture of fasteners for the aircraft industry, providing fasteners for key clients including Airbus and the Civil Aircraft market

"3D printing is now a part of everyday production at LISI Aerospace."


Kamil Domski,

Production Engineer,

LISI Aerospace Ltd



How to optimise faster manufacturing of the highest quality fasteners for the Aerospace industry, whilst maintaining stringent standards and produce at a lower cost across multiple variants.



Introducing Markforged Composite 3D printers into LISI Aerospace’s Additive Manufacturing capabilities.



Having worked with LISI for over 5 years, CREAT3D have helped to shape LISI's Additive Manufacturing capabilities through applications engineering, training and advice, tailoring their Additive solution across multiple departments, resulting in immediate savings and cross-functional team benefits.


Introducing the Markforged technology through a series of prints, the team were able to test and validate, and make major improvements to their production line.



“3D Printing is becoming a part of everyday production” Kamil Domski, Production Engineer


> Direct ROI in just 6 months

> Zero scrappage costs through using 3D printed components

> Set up of Supply Point Systems with approved 3D printed tooling and components

> Better performing, cross-functional teams with an ability to identify and fix issues earlier in the production process

> Fast problem solving for productive and agile production lines, reducing down time and scrappage



By embedding Markforged 3D printers within the department to produce bespoke and replacement tooling and components for the production lines, as well as functional prototypes for design development and testing, the team at LISI Aerospace have enabled:


> Cross-Functional Teams = Faster Problem Solving 


The Manufacturing Team at LISI Aerospace are a central point to all teams at the plant, with daily requests for tooling, components and functional prototypes.


The Process Development Department has an ongoing requirement for 3D printed tooling. From jigs and fixtures and stability jaws for use in machining operations, through to 3D printing accurate prototypes before they are manufactured in metal.


The Manufacturing Department are improving the performance of the production lines with 3D printed jaws, separators and jigs.


This sharing of designs, feedback, collaboration and cross department communication has enabled fast problem solving and improved productivity across the whole business.


3D Printed Tooling in Supply Point Systems


“3D printing is part of everyday production, especially for jaws across the lines”, explains Kamil Domski, Production Engineer.


The Markforged machines, with the use of the non-marring Onyx material (Nylon with micro carbon fibres) and the ability to produce wear resistant and high-strength parts is the success behind the development of such a breadth of 3D printed tooling.


Such is the reliance and demand on 3D printed tooling and components, the team have set up Supply Points in each of the departments. These “vending machines” control a stock of 3D printed components and tooling that technicians can freely access including bespoke jaws, separator fingers, jigs and end of arm effectors.


£4,700 manufacturing costs saved across 
40 parts in just 3.5 months

> Huge Savings on Quality (Scrappage Costs)

An unexpected benefit of moving to 3D printed separators, is huge cost savings from a reduction in scrappage (reduction in non-quality parts). A change to 3D printing one separator, resulted in scrappage costs dropping to £0.



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Separator to move fasteners 
in the groove process


1. Metal finger had a high risk of causing damage to fasteners, resulting in £000s scrappage costs
2. Supplied only by the original machine manufacturer, in Stainless Steel. Not readily available as spare part


1. Solution

Separator finger re-designed and 3D printed in Onyx on the Markforged, at a cost of just £0.05
2. Outcome

Since replacing the line with the 3D printed finger: 
> £0 scrapping costs and zero damage

“When you can so easily see the improvements from applying Additive, it just makes you want to drive forward and change everything! There is so much more we can do, and applications we aren’t even aware of yet"


Daniel Bostridge, Production Manager High Volume 1 and High Volume 2, LISI Aerospace Ltd

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As an independent Solutions Provider for Additive Manufacturing Technologies, we will share our cross-industry knowledge with you, so your company can gain a competitive advantage.


Contact our team to discuss your application and receive a free test print

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